Author Archives: Awang Apandy

How to install Unix FreeBSD

Yes, this a little different the previous installation tutorials. FreeBSD installation is quite complicated and had quite a lot of questions asked during installation 🙁 However, FreeBSD is quite a powerful system if you know how to manage it. It provides the best security system compared to others.

I’ll try to make the installation process as simple as I can. Proceed to below:

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How to install Windows Server 2003

Ah, let’s try something else for a change besides Linux installation. In this entry I’ll show you how to install the Windows Server 2003. Although not so many in volume, but there are big companies that runs on .asp for their website and application, plus using Microsoft SQL Server as their database system. This operating system was built to support those requirements 😉

You may follow the installation steps as below:

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Forgot Your Windows Password? Worry no more

Some say, when you forgot your Windows password, format will be the only option. But today I’ll show and teach you how to reset back (more like blank-ed it) your Windows password without the need to format your computer.

Presenting NT Password & Registry Editor, a freeware software that you able to get it at:

More Steps to Reset Your Password after the jump

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Reset Your Linux Password in Single Mode

This step will work on especially on CentOS, RedHat, and Fedora. Make sure you didn’t put any password for your GRUB during installation or this tutorial won’t be any help.

1) Turn on the server until the loading screen appears.

2) While on countdown, press any key to cancel the countdown

3) Select your current Linux kernel:

4) Select the Kernel, then press “e” to edit the line:

5) Go to the end of the line, press the spacebar once, then add the word “single” like below:

6) Press Enter and press “b” to boot that argument that you just modified

7) Wait till it finished loading, then you are able to start typing. Then you may change your password like below:

8) When done, type “reboot” and you are able to use the new password.

VirtualBox – Your Virtual Training Needs

Presenting VirtualBox by Oracle. This is a useful tool for those that need some practice on a new operating system which they are not familiar with without using any actual server. Those that not familiar with an operating system are recommended to use this as they won’t cause any permanent damage to the system rather than letting them test using an actual server. Please visit to download the latest version of the VirtualBox.

Click below for more instruction on how to install and use VirtualBox

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Malware Detector – Maldet

It is quite a common view that your server eventually will be the target of unethical hackers. They will try their best to hack into your server, inject their codes, and get the right to brag among their buddies (pathetic). There so many ways on how they gain access to the server but usually thanks to any accounts that used old scripts that often open for exploits.

You might often heard these terms:
1) trojan
2) mysql injection
3) shell script
4) rootkit

and a few more which only hackers know the way to hack your server. Well, today i’ll try to introduce a recommended application to scan possible malware codes that have been injected to your server, MALDET.

Upon login into ssh, type:

Extract the file:
tar xfz maldetect-current.tar.gz

Opens the folder:
cd maldetect-*

and install:

That’s it. Next is to scan the suspected folders in your server. For example:
maldet -a /home/username/public_html

The option -a means to scan all files and folders inside. You also can type -h for the available options.

When it finished, the link to the report will looks like this:
maldet –report 050910-1534.21135

Copy and paste the exact line in your ssh. If there were any hits, it will show in the report. Use it accordingly.

Disclaimer: Don’t fully depends on the maldet for malware detection. Maldet can’t detect every kind of malware, so some time the best way is to go through every files and check its modified date or suspicious file name.

Multi-tasking Screen in CentOS

Have you ever experience the needs to multi-task in a single screen while the current SSH screen already occupied with the current task?

Ever experience a sudden internet outrage after spending almost 4 hours on cPanel installation via SSH? When you got your connection back, you’ll found out that you had to start the installation back from zero.

Worry no more. Apparently there is a great tool that can be installed in the server that can ease up your life. Presenting, Screen (yes, it is an obvious name). By using Screen, you can create multiple screens that suits your need in a single main screen. You are able to run it simultaneously at the same time and don’t have to worry if your internet sudden disconnect when you are connecting via SSH. You can continue your screens back when you are back online.

First of all, lets install the screen by typing:
yum install screen

You can start using screen by just typing:

To list out all available screen:
screen -ls

Then it will looks like this:
root@server [/home/]# screen -ls
There are screens on:
23513.pts-1.server     (Detached)
18174.pts-2.server     (Detached)

To re-attach the screen:
screen -r screenname

To detach the screen:
screen -d

Then this message will appear:

Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to manipulate the screen.

Use this if you want to create new screen:
CTRL + a + c

Use this if you want to view the next screen:
CTRL + a + n

Use this if you want to view previous screen:
CTRL + a + p

Use this if you want to detach the screen:
CTRL + a + d

Finally, to terminate the screen, just type:

Then it will appear this:
[screen is terminating]

Have fun!