VirtualBox – Your Virtual Training Needs

Presenting VirtualBox by Oracle. This is a useful tool for those that need some practice on a new operating system which they are not familiar with without using any actual server. Those that not familiar with an operating system are recommended to use this as they won’t cause any permanent damage to the system rather than letting them test using an actual server. Please visit to download the latest version of the VirtualBox.

Click below for more instruction on how to install and use VirtualBox

After installing it to your PC, run it and you will see this screen:

Getting started by clicking the New button to create a new virtual partition for your operating system:

As like the picture above, fill in the Name and then select which Operating System you would like to install on that partition with its version.

Next is to select the RAM (memory) size for your virtual server.

The next step is to select your hard disk space for your server. It is better to leave it as default unless you have other objective in mind:

After clicking 2 more Next buttons, the system will ask you to determine the hard disk storage type. There are 2 options available, but I recommend the default option for beginner as it will use the lease disk space. But if you used too much, it will eats your actual hard disk space as well. It’s your call:

Here you may customize the space you want:

Finally click Finish and the screen returns back to main menu. You should able to see the the virtual hard disk with the name you chosen earlier on the left box. To start playing, select your virtual hard disk and click Start:

Yep, the VirtualBox BIOS-screen-look-a-like is loading and the rest, it will function like a normal pc during startup. To start installing your Operating System, just insert the installation CD into your CDROM or just mount the.ISO file to VirtualBox.

Happy Virtual-ing

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